Almighty God, through your only Son you overcame death and opened for us the gate of everlasting life. Give us your continual help; put good desires into our minds and bring them to full effect; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God now and forever.Read More →

Hello from Morgenland! Since it seems it will be a while until we can all gather together, wewanted to reach out to our members and the community to remind them of some updates. Wehope this update finds you well and safe!First, the pastor and the board are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers as we move throughthis challenging time. If you need spiritual or financial assistance or want to discuss any matterwith the Pastor, feel free to reach out to her.Sunday Worship and all activities are canceled until further notice. When this pandemic is over,our first service will be our Easter celebration and theRead More →

Due to a decline in altar flower sponsors, the Board is considering other options for altar flowers. Some ideas discussed were purchasing some seasonal artificial arrangements to use on a Sunday/Holiday when there is no sponsor, using seasonal artificial arrangements all year round and doing away with fresh flowers, looking for another less expensive vendor, etc. We value your opinion. Feel free to give your opinion below which will be directed to Rebecca Bitting and given to the board, give your comments to any board member, or place your suggestion in the suggestion box in the Narthex. Loading…Read More →

Dawn Everett is in charge of the altar flowers. If you would like to request a special arrangement, please call her at 610-395-6497. The cost to sponsor altar flowers is $35.00. A sign-up chart is on the bulletin board in the Christian Education wing. To sponsor bulletins, there is a sign-up chart in the Sunday School foyer. Cost is $7.00. A sign-up sheet is in the Narthex for newsletter sponsors. The cost to sponsor a newsletter is $35.00Read More →

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