Morgenland Union Church

The Church is situated at Leather Corner Post, in Lowhill Township. We are a Federated Congregation, which combines two previously separate United Church of Christ (U.C.C.) and Evangelical Lutheran congregations. The federated congregation continues our affiliation with both the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the United Church of Christ and continues the traditions of both churches. We welcome all brothers and sisters in Christ to join us in our fellowship and activities. Our services start at 9 am on Sundays and our Sunday school starts after the children’s sermon.


 Alex Rodriguez welcomes everybody to Morgenland Union Church!



Upcoming Events & Announcements:

  • Communion Sunday:  Sunday, December 1st, 9am

  • Hoagie Sale-   Call Paul & Marilyn 610-395-6885 (do not email)

  • Homemade Candy Orders  Pick up December 14th

  • Breakfast with Santa – Saturday December 14th, 9am-11am, Adults $10, children $5, under 3 free

  • Remembrance tree orders due by Sunday December 15th.  This fundraiser helps with the heating costs of the church.

  • Poinsetta Plant orders due by Sunday December 8th. $12.50 per plant

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