DONATE your unwanted, unused jewelry—-gold, silver, new old, estate, costume, watches, cufflinks, even broken pieces and single earrings. ALL ITEMS WELCOME. 100% of the donation value comes directly to Morgenland Church. Please place all donated items in a bag or box and drop into the container in the Narthex. Include your name, address, and phone number if you want a receipt for tax purposes. All donations will be picked up on September 20. For more information, contact Sue Langley.Read More →

Sue Langley board President announced today that Pastor Sally will be unable to continue her service due to her health. She is currently on hospice. To show her our support please help us with a Card Shower. Her address is 2680 Terrwood Drive West Macungie PA 18062 Please keep her and her family in your prayersRead More →